Empire Z

Upgrade Zombie Leaders - this was a new feature i helped design and create the art for. players would use this menu to create new and more powerful zombie leaders by breaking down and combining other creatures

Upgrade Zombie Leaders - this was a new feature i helped design and create the art for. players would use this menu to create new and more powerful zombie leaders by breaking down and combining other creatures

a closer look at the bio tube art in its 'off state'

a closer look at the bio tube art in its 'off state'

the biotubes would light up different colors depening on the action being taken by the player

the biotubes would light up different colors depening on the action being taken by the player

Chat - this was one potential redesign for the in-game chat to incorporate avatars and guild emblems

Chat - this was one potential redesign for the in-game chat to incorporate avatars and guild emblems

a redesign mockup for the alliance screen

a redesign mockup for the alliance screen

as the tech tree was expanded and reworked, i contibruted art for several of the abilities a player could train in

as the tech tree was expanded and reworked, i contibruted art for several of the abilities a player could train in

I had a variety of responsibilities on Empire Z, including creating art for new features, designing new screens from the ground up, animating UI and characters for specific screens, art feedback for other artists, and more.

February 22, 2019