God of War Ragnarok - Muspelheim

Muspelheim was a blast to work on! In this area, I brought several sections from greybox block out to final polish, which included material work, modelling, world building/set dressing, skirting, and more. Creating Surtr's Forge was a highlight for me in particular, and figuring out how to scatter literally thousands of ash covered swords was a rewarding puzzle to solve.
This project was a massive group effort, with many people involved in every area's creation. A special thanks to our lead on this project, John Palamarchuk, who's guidance was unparalleled. A big shout out to Corbett Sachter and Aenok Oh for their Muspelheim work in the previous game. Thank you to SMS and VKE for the opportunity to work on this title! Other notable folks I'd like to call out for this area include:
Additional Art: Allen Kung, Jacob Hottle, OF3D
Level lighting: Aenok Oh
Cinematic lighting: Justin Hammond
Level design: Jon Hickenbottom
Collision design: Pride St. Clair
Effects: Nick Rudolph, Chris Woods
Tech Art: Han Hunter

February 4, 2023